Year after year, Alimac has refined a sophisticated “Quality Control Process” to achieve and guarantee product excellence.
Day by day, Alimac develops the culture of quality, and improves and controls the production flow of the tape carry handle continuously.
This process is based on three key concepts:
1. In-house manufacturing.Alimac produces all strategic parts and components of the tape carry handle. It continuously measures and analyzes the production phases and product performances. The entire manufacturing process is focused on quality at every step.
2. People involvement.Alimac has developed a strong culture of the quality among its people, from executives all the way down to the staff on the production line.
3. Continuous Improvement.This is a quality asset for Alimac. Alimac designs and implements every packaging project, following the customer at every step. In many years of market activity, Alimac has met different types of packaging, production lines and handle applicators of many brands, and has taken advantage of all this to improve its tape carry handle.